Our Fourth Graders had a great time today during their swimming lessons 💦. They will be going all this week to improve their skills.
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
swimming lessons
swimming lessons
swimming lessons
swimming lessons
swimming lessons
swimming lessons
swimming lessons
swimming lessons
National lunch week photos continued
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
lunch week
lunch week
lunch week
Gonzalez Elementary celebrated national school lunch week. Thank you to all the parents who took time from their busy schedules to come enjoy lunch with their children. 🍽
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
lunch week
lunch week
lunch week
lunch week
lunch week
lunch week
lunch week
lunch week
Parents, Tomorrow Wednesday, October 11 is "Take your Parent to Lunch Day". Parents are welcome to have lunch with their children during their regular lunch hours. Please note that the 4th grade lunch has been moved to 1:00 p.m.
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
🎉La Joya ISD celebrates National School Lunch Week! 🎉🍎Thank you to our La Joya ISD Child Nutrition Services Department for ensuring our students always receive a nutritious and delicious meal that supports their minds and bodies for success. 🎉🥦🍎🥗🍔🍕🍱
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD celebrates National School Lunch Week
Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary Recognizes our students who made the Honor Roll for the First Six Weeks. Congratulations to all the boys and girls for their diligence and perseverance in achieving educational excellence!
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
1st grade a & b honor roll
1st grade a  honor roll
2nd grade a & b honor roll
2nd grade a  honor roll
3rd grade a & b honor roll
3rd grade a  honor roll
4th grade a & b honor roll
4th grade a  honor roll
5th grade a & b honor roll
5th grade a  honor roll
Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary Recognizes our students who had Perfect Attendance for the First Six Weeks. Congratulations to all the boys and girls and their parents for their efforts to attend school.
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
Pre-Kinder Perfect attendance
kinder perfect attendance
1st grade perfect attendance
2nd grade perfect attendance
3rd grade perfect attendance
4th grade perfect attendance
5th grade perfect attendance
Gonzalez Elementary students and staff supporting Breast Cancer Awareness at the La Joya ISD stadium. 🎀PINK
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
Gonzalez Elementary students and staff Giddy Up and Say No to bullying. 🤠
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
western wear
⏰ Friendly Reminder! NO CLASSES!! Students and staff will be off on Monday, October 9th, 2023, for Bad Weather Day. Classes and LJISD offices will resume on Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Friendly Reminder! NO CLASSES!!
Parents, Next Wednesday, October 11 is "Take your Parent to Lunch Day". Parents are welcome to have lunch with their children during their regular lunch hours.
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
Take your parent to lunch day
Be a Hero not a bully: National Bullying Prevention Month kick off. 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
hero day
hero day
hero day
hero day
hero day
hero day
hero day
hero day
hero day
hero day
Parents join us for our Breast Cancer Health Fair and Walk next Thursday, October 12. We will start at 7:45 a.m. Feel free to wear pink and/or dress up as Barbie /Ken.
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
Breast cancer awareness walk
Parent Cardio Class Beginning October 5th. Join us from 4:30-5:30 PM. Please register using the link below or by scanning the QR code. Favor de registrarse usando el enlace o escaneando el código QR. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYPusfCEa3f8zIVaHmfQ2_VJl4hQmqALJ3zdrCvlCgBK-2EQ/viewform?usp=pp_url
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
cardio class
cardio clase
🎉🌍 Happy World Teachers’ Day to the amazing teachers of La Joya ISD! 🍎👩‍🏫 Thank you for all that you do to make a difference in the lives of our students. 👏🏻🌟 #WorldTeachersDay #ljisdstudentfocuseddatadrivenresultsoriented
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Today is World Teachers’ Day!!
Our third graders were learning to play tennis today. 🎾
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
third grade tennis
third grade tennis
third grade tennis
Our fifth grade students were learning how to play golf today. ⛳️
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
National Bullying Prevention Month. Match with your friends (Twin Day) at HBG.
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
twin day
twin day
twin day
twin day
twin day
twin day
twin day
twin day
National Bullying Prevention Month kick-off continues at Gonzalez Elementary. Today our students "sock it to bullying" by wearing crazy socks.
over 1 year ago, Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
4th Rodz
🌸✨La Joya ISD stands united in support of Breast Cancer Awareness! Throughout the month of October, our district will proudly don the color pink to raise awareness and honor those affected by breast cancer. 💖👚 Let's paint La Joya ISD in shades of pink to show our solidarity and commitment to this important cause. Together, we can make a difference! 🌸
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
🌸✨La Joya ISD stands united in support of Breast Cancer Awareness! Throughout the month of October, our district will proudly don the color pink to raise awareness and honor those affected by breast cancer. 💖👚 Let's paint La Joya ISD in shades of pink to show our solidarity and commitment to this important cause. Together, we can make a difference! 🌸
🌸✨La Joya ISD stands united in support of Breast Cancer Awareness! Throughout the month of October, our district will proudly don the color pink to raise awareness and honor those affected by breast cancer. 💖👚 Let's paint La Joya ISD in shades of pink to show our solidarity and commitment to this important cause. Together, we can make a difference! 🌸
🌸✨La Joya ISD stands united in support of Breast Cancer Awareness! Throughout the month of October, our district will proudly don the color pink to raise awareness and honor those affected by breast cancer. 💖👚 Let's paint La Joya ISD in shades of pink to show our solidarity and commitment to this important cause. Together, we can make a difference! 🌸