La Joya ISD initiated a lockdown at 8:22 a.m. following a notification from the La Joya Police Department regarding an unauthorized presence on the premises of the La Joya ISD transportation building. Our Chief of Police immediately coordinated with the City of La Joya to identify any potential intruders and ensure the security of La Joya ISD campuses, including La Joya High School, Thelma Salinas STEM High School, Jimmy Carter Early College, CCC, Academic Health Science Profession, Hope, and La Joya ISD Central Office. Once all areas were confirmed secure, the lockdown was lifted at 8:50 a.m. We will continue to assure you that the safety and well-being of all La Joya ISD students and staff are of utmost importance to us.
La Joya ISD inició un cierre a las 8:22 a. m. luego de una notificación del Departamento de Policía de La Joya sobre una presencia no autorizada en las instalaciones del edificio de transporte de La Joya ISD. Nuestro Jefe de Policía coordinó de inmediato con la Ciudad de La Joya para identificar a posibles intrusos y garantizar la seguridad de los campus de La Joya ISD, incluidos La Joya High School, Thelma Salinas STEM High School, Jimmy Carter Early College, CCC, Academic Health Science Profession. , Hope y la Oficina Central de La Joya ISD. Una vez que se confirmó que todas las áreas eran seguras, el cierre se levantó a las 8:50 a. m. Queremos asegurarles que la seguridad y el bienestar de todos los estudiantes y el personal de La Joya ISD son de suma importancia para nosotros.

Our school hours will remain unaffected, maintaining our regular schedule. Please note that there might be bus delays due to additional stops, ensuring that students won't have to walk longer distances to reach a bus stop. Your child's convenience and safety remain our top priorities, Thank you.
Nuestro horario escolar seguirá sin cambios, Tome en cuenta que puede haber retrasos en los autobuses debido a paradas adicionales, asegurando que los estudiantes no tengan que caminar distancias largas para llegar a una parada de autobús. La seguridad de su hijo/a sigue siendo nuestra máxima prioridad, gracias.

Our TELPAS parent meeting was very informative. 💻

⚠️DISTRICT UPDATE⚠️: Important Notification: The cause of a gas odor emanating in the north western part of the county.
⚠️ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DISTRITO⚠️ : Notificación importante: Ubicación y la causa de un olor a gas que emana en la parte noroeste del condado.

Important Notification: Gas Leak in Nearby Town
Notificación importante: fuga de gas en ciudad cercana

❤️ Mrs. Hernandez's 2nd grade class enjoyed a "sweetheart" Valentine's day. 💗

🎊 Congratulations to our perfect attendance raffle winners. 👏 #attendancematters

Learning the phases of the moon is deliciously fun in Mrs. Hernandez's second grade class. 🌔🌕🌖🌚🍪

⏰ Friendly Reminder! NO CLASSES on Monday, February 12. We will be having an
in-service day for staff. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.

Congratulations to our 2023-2024 HBG Elementary Custodian of the Year Alicia Montoya!! Thank you for keeping our school impeccably clean. 👏

Congratulations to our 2023-2024 HBG Elementary Support Staff of the Year Marisol Saenz!! Thank you for supporting our school community.👏

Congratulations to our 2023-2024 HBG Elementary Instructional Assistant of the Year Coach Rolando Zapata!! Thank you for motivating our students to stay physically fit. 👏

Congratulations to our 2023-2024 HBG Elementary Teacher of the Year Julie Slowinski!! Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our students. 👏

🌟✨ It's National School Counseling Week! 🌟✨
Here at La Joya ISD, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation for each and every one of our incredible counselors. 💖 From guiding our students through academic challenges to providing invaluable support for their emotional well-being, our counselors truly go above and beyond every single day. 🙌 Their dedication and compassion make a world of difference in the lives of our students and our entire school community. 🎓💙 Let's take this week to celebrate and honor these amazing individuals who play such a vital role in shaping the future. Thank you for all that you do! 🌈👏

🌟✨ It's National School Counseling Week! 🌟✨
Here at La Joya ISD, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation for each and every one of our incredible counselors. 💖 From guiding our students through academic challenges to providing invaluable support for their emotional well-being, our counselors truly go above and beyond every single day. 🙌 Their dedication and compassion make a world of difference in the lives of our students and our entire school community. 🎓💙 Let's take this week to celebrate and honor these amazing individuals who play such a vital role in shaping the future. Thank you for all that you do! 🌈👏

Please check out the district calendar as it's been updated to reflect the following:
🏫 Regular School Day on Friday, February 9, 2024
❌ No school for students on Monday, February 12, 2024 (Staff Inservice Day)
👩🏫 Staff will be at work on both Friday, February 9, 2024, and Monday, February 12, 2024.

💯 days of learning. Our HBG students celebrated their 100 days of school with attire and activities!🎉

Saturday our HBG fifth graders had an awesome adventure at Camp Rio ACE field trip. 🏹

🎉 Congratulations to Henry B. Gonzalez Students of the Month for January. Students of the Month are chosen by their teachers for their good classroom behavior. Great job to all these students!! 🎉

Letter from Dr. Marcey Sorensen, New Superintendent of Schools, La Joya ISD
ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DISTRITO Carta de la Dra. Marcey Sorensen, Nueva Superintendente de Escuelas, La Joya ISD